Do you struggle to see that you are a creative being?
Are you like me who for so many years didn’t see or acknowledge my own
creative abilities? I imagined that creativity looked like artists, sculptors,
designers, etc. I was unable to conceive that creativity could be found in
the way you choose what chores are done first.
Pretty limited view right? Do you too struggle to see how and feel that you are a creative being? Creativity in all its various and myriad forms can help us find beauty and joy in the simple pleasures that allow us to be present and in the moments that make up our lives.
What have you witnessed that leaves you feeling inspired to also try? Have
you understood that you can trust your feelings to know what is creative for
you? Creativity is really nothing more than play! As we have grown UP,
we have forgotten how to play. It is in play that solutions to our awareness
to our life’s problems. Are you ready to learn to play all over again? It is in play that solutions to your life’s problems come into your awareness.